April 30, 2005

There's so much to write...but i dunno what to write...
...as in the feeling is to write a lot...but there's absolutely nothing that comes to my mind.....something substancial..one might say...or anything at all...i might say!!!
was talking to a friend last night...
talkin bout career n all...you know all that glorified stuff...which i fantasize bout....n thats where it all ends...
anyway..this dude...had almost everything figured out...as to what is it that he wanted to do...why he wanted to ....n how he would actually do.....geez.....it gave me the creeps....n when i say that it gave me the creeps...i don't really mean it as a disease like herpes...good lord no....but it just creeped me out...
i have completed my first yr in a b school...n i still have absolutely no clue as to what it is that i'm really trying to do with my life...
though off late...i haven't been feeling like much of a loser because...come to think of it...none of the ppl...who actualy made me think of MBA as an option did really know what they were really interested in...as in MBA wise...but they all are pretty...no wait...very successful in what they are doin at the moment!!!

but i still can't find any women...damn man...this sucks...i feel like such a loser!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do not pay attention!